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Hello! ​My name is Vasileios Minas. I qualified as a doctor in 2003 and then spent four years performing laboratory-based research during my PhD studies. At the time, I was fascinated by the ability of the mother to develop new life inside her body. I joined a team of scientists who investigated how the fetus survives inside the womb despite the presence of mother's immune system. Our immune systems are designed to detect and attack anything that is foreign to our bodies. Because half of the genetic material of the baby comes from the father, under normal circumstances mother's immune system should attack and reject it. However, the environment inside the womb during pregnancy, changes so much that the usual rules do not apply. Our team examined some of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms which change these rules and allow baby to grow into it's mother's womb and become new life!


During the same period I participated in two international multi-centre studies of global interest and impact: 

- a study which led to the development of a commercially available vaccine for the prevention of the Human Papilloma Virus types which cause cancer of the cervix.

- a study which led to the development of novel neurosteroid compounds with potential use against neuro-degenerative disorders (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS) (patent US20100234335A1)


Those were some of the most enjoyable and productive years of my life.


In 2007, I begun my clinical training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, the specialty I have dedicated my working life to. Thanks to my extensive academic work, I was selected by Oxford Deanery to train in their training programme. I received excellent foundations in skill and knowledge in some of the largest hospitals of the region, including the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. In 2012, I was awarded, through international competition, one of the five, at the time, available posts in the UK to train in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. I was placed at the Wirral University Teaching Hospital where I completed my advanced training in gynaecological surgery, acute obstetrics and ultrasound scanning. 

In 2018 I was awarded a substantive consultant post as an Endometriosis Surgeon at St. Peter's NHS hospital, where I worked for a number of years together with my colleague Mr Shaheen Khazali, and where I continue to provide my services to NHS patients to date. St. Peter's hospital is home to one of the most historic Endometriosis Centres in the UK and indeed worldwide. The St. Peter's Endo Centre was founded more than 30 years ago by Professor Jeremy Wright and after few generations of Endometriosis Surgeons it has become renowned both nationally and internationally for its high standards in providing care for women with complex endometriosis. I became Senior Surgeon at St. Peter's Endometriosis Centre in 2022. 


Between 2020-2023, I served as College Tutor for the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. During those years I was responsible for overseeing and regulating the training of more than 100 trainee doctors who came through our department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Ashford & St. Peter’s hospitals. At the end of my 3-year term, our department was voted the "most improved" in relation to training within our NHS hospital, and we were awarded by the Board for our contribution to the training and development of young  gynaecologists.


In 2023, I was awarded the prestigious Alan Gordan Travelling Fellowship by the BSGE (British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy), to travel to Zurich to learn from Professor Marc Possover and complete my training in Neuropelveology. The same year, I established a provisional Endo Centre at the Runnymede hospital, a private hospital of the Circle Health Group, located adjacent to St. Peter's in Surrey. The Runnymede became one of the few fully BSGE-accredited Endometriosis Centres in the private sector in January 2024.


A surgeon's training never ends. I strive to continuously improve myself and I learn from every patient that I treat. Above all I strive to offer a holistic approach to my patients. Due to my specialised training, I am able to recognise and respond to the multiple and complex needs of patients with pelvic pain and endometriosis. Just as with all the other conditions that I treat, I always take into account the wishes of my patients, their life circumstances, for example plans for a pregnancy or professional circumstances. In partnership with my patients, we explore all treatment options, including life-style changes, and take decisions together, tailored to each woman's specific needs.

Education & Training



University of Crete


Core Training, MRCOG

Oxford Deanery


Advanced Training

Wirral University Hospital


Locum Consultancy

Wirral University Hospital

Countess of Chester Hospital


Research Publications

- 2019, Laparoscopic excision of deeply infiltrating endometriosis: a prospective observational study assessing perioperative complications in 244 patients -

- 2019, Transversus abdominis plane block under laparoscopic guide versus port-site local anaesthetic infiltration in laparoscopic excision of endometriosis: a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial -

This study was published in the journal "Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics", the official journal of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

It showed that the safe and efficient management of endometriosis depends upon good co-operation within a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians including gynaecology, bowel and urology surgeons.

This study was published in the journal "British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology", one of the top ranking journals related to our specialty in the world. 

It examined different methods of injecting local anaesthetic to reduce pain following laparoscopic excision of endometriosis and compared their efficiency.

Awards & Scholarships

- 2023 -

Alan Gordan Travelling Fellowship


- 2013 -

Best Video Presentation

RCOG World Congress

- 2006 -

Best Poster Presentation

European Society for Clinical Investigation

- 2005 and 2006 -

Scholarship for Young Researchers

Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete

- 2005 -

Best Oral Presentation

Hellenic Society for Endocrinology & Metabolism

- 2004 -

Best Poster Presentation

Hellenic Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Vasileios Minas


Gynaecologist & Lead Endo Surgeon

The Runnymede Hospital

Circle Health Group


Guildford Road

Chertsey, KT16 0RQ

Tel: +44 1932 877 800

Mobile: +44 7421 138298

Nuffield Health Woking

Grange Road

Woking, GU21 4BY

Tel: +44 1483 610 542

Mobile: +44 7421 138298

Princess Margaret Hospital
Circle Health Group

Osborne Road

Windsor, SL4 3SJ

Tel: +44 1753 743434

Mobile: +44 7421 138298

© 2019 by Vasileios Minas

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